
Deplorable “State of Ground Water in Pakistan”

by M. Wasim

Farozaan Environmental Protection Organization arranged a Symposium on “State of Ground Water in Pakistan” in Karachi. Dr. Pervaiz Amir the Director of Global Water Partnership, Muhammad Toheed, Dr. Faiyaz Alam and Mehmood Alam Khalid Editor Farozaan & President Farozaan Environmental Protection Organization also expressed their views.

Dr. Pervaiz Amir declared Pakistan a harshly water-stressed country bcuz groundwater is not regulated here. He said world over bottled water business is discouraged, but in Pakistan they are finding space and pay zero or marginal cost for groundwater extraction to sell our water to us on hefty price.

The audience in the event resolved that pricing & regulatory laws are the need of time & the river water reserves & invisible groundwater must be utilized with wisdom.

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