Needless to say that many health benefits are exponential with the combination of nutrients, sunshine and exercises, gained through gardening. However, there is also a connection between vegetation gardening and climate change, as when being a nation we grow and distribute our vegetables by ourselves that also reduces carbon emissions — a major contributor to global warming. Besides, due to unprecedented inflation in Pakistan, vegetables are getting out of reach for people who look towards the government to take price control measures, but it always goes in vain. That all together, open ways for growing vegetables inside the house i.e. Kitchen Gardening as a viable option for households facing the challenge of high prices and limited supply of various agro commodities.
Kitchen Gardening has Lower Environmental Impacts
According to the US Environmental Protection Agency, approximately 25% of global carbon emissions are caused by the worldwide industrial production of food. Emissions start with the clearing of land by removal of debris. That breakdown of key soil components reduces nature’s ability to absorb, distribute, and store carbon, releasing more into the atmosphere and contributing to the increase in greenhouse gases. It is also compounded by the consumption of fossil fuels in the transportation and use of synthetic fertilizers and the long-distance distribution of the resulting food products.
Food produced on such a massive scale requires synthetic additives and preservatives to stabilize it for the long periods of time between production, distribution, and consumption. This kind of manufactured “nutrition” is not good for anyone. The result of this unsustainable closed loop of consumption damages our environment and our own health
Lower Emissions, Plastics & Soil Erosion
Kitchen gardening benefit the environment in many ways to arrest climate change. Locally grown vegetables reduce carbon emissions from burning fossil fuels. No plastic packaging is required when you harvest vegetables straight from the garden, which also reduces fossil fuel inputs. Pesticide and other chemical inputs can be much less in a small, well-tended garden than even a small farm. Placing containers for vegetable growing on the rooftop has the added benefit of lowering the roof temperature, lowering the house`s air-conditioning costs. Besides, to address atmospheric pollution, kitchen gardens can be proven as the best carbon sinks in overpopulated cities.

Understandably, when you are growing your own fruits and vegetables, there are no carbon emissions. You grow, wash, and eat it, so carbon emissions are essentially zero. When you involve in kitchen gardening or grow your own garden, you decide what goes in the soil and what goes on the plant and how much. You are in the driver’s seat in deciding when to use a pesticide or fertilizer and whether they’re synthetic or organic. By that you’re even sequestering carbon by growing food on your property.
Food Surety & Quality
Studies show that those who garden are more likely to eat more vegetables. Households don`t need a lot of space to keep small and vertically growing vegetable varieties; a backyard, rooftop, terrace, or balcony can easily be used for this purpose. Even a container placed on a windowsill can provide some fresh and contamination-free vegetables as healthy food. Though one can`t grow all vegetables in-house, it still puts some quality food on the table while decreasing household expenditures on food.
The commercial agriculture system is built upon the idea that food needs to look a certain way and be genetically structured so it can travel long distances and arrive shelf-stable. When you involve in Kitchen gardening or grow your own garden, you have the ability to manage your soil with the addition of compost, minerals, nutrients and etc. all from organic sources that will build up the biological life in your soil and atmosphere which will in turn support and feed your plants giving you the most nutrition possible. With the application of natural compost and extra care, even organic vegetables could be grown.
Kitchen gardening is not only important for environs to have lower carbon emission and impacts on climate. But also as Pakistanis face severe economic uncertainty, high food inflation and meagre income, urban kitchen gardening has become essential today for common households to attain food security. While it’s widespread adoption will help achieve food self-sufficiency and encourage a more sustainable lifestyle.
Editorial, Infocus