
Top 5 Eco Apps that Aim to Protect the Environment

by M. Wasim

In the fast-changing digital world, Mobile Applications or Eco Apps have become an integral segment of our lives and routines today. They make everyday tasks more efficient and convenient, besides serving as essential platforms for social interactions and convenient networking. However, apart from being used for just ease and entertainment, mobile apps are also an effective way of making people aware of sustainable living and getting them to take action. In fact, the combination of technology and sustainability has paved the way for a new era of eco-consciousness, where mobile apps are emerging as strong tools to start creating a habit of making more eco-friendly choices and switching to a “Green Mindset”. has picked and reviewed 5 environmental apps that aim to help you go green and protect the environment.

Significance of Eco Apps in Ecotechnology:

Environmental Applications or Eco Apps are mobile software created with the intention of encouraging environmental friendly behavior such as reducing the use of non-reusable materials, recycling, and increasing the level of use of materials that are eco-friendly. Environmentalists all over the world are looking for ways to contribute to a more healthy future. Eco Apps are a good approach to Ecotechnology which holds the future of earth ecosystem. As environmental issues get more attention, below is the list of the top five Eco Apps aiming to protect the environment and arrest climate change.

  1. EarthHero

The App available on Google Play Store and primarily acts on climate and protection of planet earth via tracking ecology, emissions, and carbon footprint. EarthHero empowers it’s users to take positive and practical action in response to the climate emergency and connects them to a global movement rising to the interconnected crises of climate change and rapid species loss.

EarhHero allows users to set their own green goals and discover ideas for healthy, smart, satisfying ways to live. It also enables users to mobilize with a community of change-makers actively working to address global warming and rapid extinction as well as compare a user’s emissions reduction with science-based recommendations for a liveable planet.

2. EcoAsia

EcoAsia works for plantation and the EcoAsia community claims to have planted over 200 million trees. The Ecosia community is tackling climate change, protecting wildlife, and collaborating with local communities around the world, planting the right trees in the right places. The App has Carbon negative browser which not only does the trees the users plant absorb CO2, but also has it’s own solar plants. These plants don’t just produce enough renewable energy in the electricity grid.

The Ecosia app is based on Chromium and gives users an intuitive, fast and secure browsing experience with everything they need, including tabs, incognito mode, bookmarks, downloads and a built-in ad blocker. Available on Google Play Store, the App also shows a green leaf beside users’ results that are pro-environment, helping to make greener choices whilst they search.

3. Oroeco

Oroeco offers a fun and rewarding path for everyone to help solve climate change and reduce their impact on the planet. With the help of this Eoo App, users can keep tabs on their personal carbon footprint and gain insight into how their everyday choices influence the planet. Oroeco app mastered the onboarding process with step by step tutorial on how to use the App. After you choose your country, you are automatically rewarded with ORO points and introduced to the gamification part of the app. Based on an individual’s habits, it offers advice for reducing carbon pollution.

The app can be downloaded from the App Store and Google Play, and its navigation is intuitive and users can clearly see how strong their impact on the environment.

4. JouleBug

The App JouleBug makes eco-friendly living fun. It provides users with a variety of activities and challenges to complete in exchange for points and awards. The software has a wide range of features, from energy efficiency to trash reduction to water conservation to healthy transportation options. JouleBug’s mission is to make everyday habits more sustainable and environment-friendly. From outdoor activities, energy, and water preservation, the app encourages you to learn more about each tip, its impact with features like How-to videos and Helpful links, and share the activities with your friends. The app can be downloaded from both the App Store and Google Play.

5. Dropcountr

Dropcountr’s main goal is to help water utilities and people save water. The app connects the user directly to his water utility company which can then send messages about the water budget, alert you of leaks or send customized drought. Tracking mainly the water consumption by a user, the app is designed to show the date, charts, and comparison tables in a beautiful, easy-to-understand, and intuitive way. Navigation through the data is so easy and simple that makes a difficult task, as reducing water consumption, a fun game. The app can be downloaded from the App Store and Google Play.


Editorial, Infocus

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