
Smart Homes A Way of Sustainable Automation

by M. Wasim
Smart Homes A Way of Sustainable Automation

Smart homes are not just lifestyle they are now essential as way of sustainable automation in modern world. Gone are the days when smart homes were considered to be part of fashion and luxury but today they are taken an important part of our lives. Smart TVs connect to the internet to access content through applications, such as on-demand video and music. Smart lighting can identify when occupants are in the room and adjust lighting according to need. Smart thermostats allow residents to schedule, monitor and remotely control home temperatures. They can also report energy use and remind users to change filters, among other things.

With smart locks and garage-door openers, residents can grant or deny access to visitors. These locks can even detect when residents are near and unlock the doors for them. Besides, having smart security cameras, residents can monitor their homes when they are away or on vacation. Similarly smart motion sensors are also able to identify the difference between residents, visitors, pets and burglars, and can notify authorities if suspicious behavior is detected.

Benefits of Smart Homes

The world of automation is the New Global Order of the age as a matter of reality. Automation is greatly penetrating in our life day by day and turning our lifestyle and residencies into smart homes. And there are reasons and multiple benefits of it.

The Age of Sustainable Automation

Convenient Lifestyle

 Smart homes enable you to deal with many electronic gadgets and systems from over the house or over the world. It help you to draw the shades, turn on lights, and monitor security. With smart devices, you can perform all household operations through applications while sitting comfortably on the sofa or in bed. In multiple ways smart homes make your life convinient, as you do not have to move all over the house to perform various functions.


A smart home permits and benefits residents to have electronic things the way you like to have them. One can have the shades drawn automatically at a certain time, adjust the brightness of indoor as well as outdoor lighting as per your choice. Similarly, residents can also customize every single electronic item as per your will and furthermore you can also set timings for various choices to be implemented.

Energy Efficient

A smart home enabless you to save electricity and reduce your power and water bills. Through your finger tips or mobile phone application, you can control numerous gadgets or systems. A number of smart devices help you to operate your heating and cooling as well as turn on and turn off lights with a single click from anywhere in your house. This is not just an efficient way but it will also help you save electricity.

Ensure Security

Automation give you extra edge in terms of safety and security of your house. Everyone wants to make their home securer and smart homes allow you to make your residency secure as well allow you to monitor the security very easily through your smart phones. Besides, smart home devices can make you aware of fire and theft through alarms and notifications which can be enough to save your life.

In a word smart homes are a major way to give peace of mind, because inhabitants can utilize the smart device to check the doors, windows, water spill sensors etc, and they do not have to worry about going out to check.


Editorial, Infocus

Title Image Courtesy / Ultra Vision

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