
Rearrange your home interior in the wake of COVID-19

by M. Wasim

Desperate times demand desperate measures. We are living now in an era, badly disrupted by Coronavirus – a life threatening infectious bug which has (for the time being) compelled the world to change living routines and determine new patterns of lifestyle. Social distancing has become a universal norm and humans are instructed to stay maximum at home to shield themselves from the deadly epidemic.

All outdoor nonessential activities and movements have been strictly forbidden and people are asked to perform their professional duties from home as much as possible. Living behind doors is definitely not usual and it is also unclear how long that will go on. But life of your loved ones’ is much more precious for you.  It is, therefore, necessary while living in home you must adopt prescribed preventive routines and rearrange your home décor keeping in view certain safety precautions.

  1. Proper disposal system of waste.

The first and foremost rearrangement you have to apply is on your waste disposal management. Personal waste and disposable cleaning cloths must be stored securely within disposable rubbish bags. Don’t throw used tissues in your bedroom dust bins, yet dispose properly away from sitting and living portion in your home. If possible keep dustbins out of your bedrooms.  Usually laundry set-up and washing machines are away from living areas in your home, if not then isolate them somewhere else.

  •  Sanitization at entrance.

Place a portable wash basins at the main gate of your house so when you, your guests and your servants land in, they get sanitized by washing their hands and faces with soap. If you live in an apartment install hand sanitizer on wall or keeps sanitizer bottles alongside door. That will definitely reduce the chances of infection and keep your life safe inside home.

  • Make room for Sunlight.

Scientists are sure that ultraviolet light can be a really powerful disinfectant and we all are aware the sun is the biggest source of UVL. Therefore open your windows and glass curtains to let direct sunlight in, which can help rapidly diminish infectivity of viruses on surfaces. 

  • Clean the Flooring regularly.

Remove carpets and rugs from floor. Flooring which is an integral segment of your home, needs to be cleaned regularly.  Research suggests the coronavirus can last between three hours to three days on surfaces, depending on the material.  Regular cleanliness drive is therefore vital and household products, like detergents, phenyl and bleach are very effective at getting rid of the virus on surfaces.

  • Indoor plantation.

Apart from decoration, plants have soothing effect on the atmosphere you live in. But most importantly indoor plants are vital to remove pollutants from the atmosphere and purify the air. Plants like Rubber fig, Areca Palm, Peace Lily, Aloe Vera etc. can be suggested in this regard.

By Infocus, Editorial

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1 comment

Home Decor Shopping In Pakistan November 5, 2021 - 6:22 am

Great article. Couldn’t be written much better!


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